

sustainability at all levels:
our strategy is taking effect.


Our measures and activities for greater sustainability are based on a strategic model with three key drivers. It enables us to maximise our impact at various levels and make powerful use of synergies.


Discover your plusOur mission statement


We see sustainable corporate behaviour as an opportunity. It is not only an urgent necessity, but also a decisive competitive advantage.

+ Sustain+Abilities

We create sustainable added value for our customers, our partners and our employees. Our promise: With Holtmann+ you are one sustainable step ahead.


The event industry needs to change. As thought leaders, we are committed to sustainable change, develop new standards and promote industry-wide dialogue.

Certified sustainable event management: From the concept phase to realization.

With the certification, we are integrating sustainable behaviour into all areas of our company and will be able to continuously measure our progress in the future. We plan to complete the ongoing certification process by the end of 2024.   ​

our fields of action 

for a more sustainable live communication


  • Waste management
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Transport & Logistics
  • GHG emissions


  • Social responsibility
  • Employee development


  • Corporate structures
  • Sustainable procurement



Innovations for


For us, sustainability means future viability. Consistently sustainable action often requires changing established processes and daring to try out new ideas. We rise to the challenge and design innovative solutions that have a positive impact on the environment, climate and our society.

inspiring moments.
sustainable in both senses of the world.

We advise, we design, we plan, we do. Across all project phases, our team develops live communication that fulfils both our sustainability standards and the sustainability goals of our customers. We ensure high performance and reduce the ecological footprint at the same time.




CO2 at a glance.
our tool for lower emissions.

You can only control what you can measure. We use our CO2 calculator to determine the emissions of projects in detail. By using sustainable materials, a higher reuse rate and short transport routes, we reduce the impact of live communication on the climate. 



shaping future .
sharing knowledge.

In our SUSTAIN+ABILITES workshops, we impart valuable expertise. We analyse the status quo and work together to develop an individual roadmap with measures to make your live communication more sustainable in the future.



this is how we save resour­ces, 

to actively protect our environ­ment and our climate.

+ Modularity

We work with a modular aluminium stand construction system. It can be used again and again and is lightweight, which means fewer emissions during transport. The system enables a variety of customised floor plans and room concepts.

+ waste management

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Standardized planning, the use of rental furniture, the storage of exhibition stands for reuse and a high recycling rate help us to avoid waste in the long term.

+ circular economy

Together with suppliers, we want to close value chains. We use recycled materials, utilize single-origin products, increase the useful life, repair and take care of reuse.

+ PARTNERships

Through long-term business relationships, we create predictability, improve working conditions and increase economic sustainability. A Code of Conduct ensures responsible behaviour along our supply chain in the future.

Short distances for more sustainability:

When selecting our service partners, we focus on regionality and strategic proximity to our warehouse logistics.


We favour sustainable solutions and are committed to working in partnership to reduce emissions in our supply chain. 
Contact us and introduce us to your sustainable products.



Climate Protection


reduce CO2- Emissions.
Protect the climate.


t CO2e-emissions
Scope 1–3 


Following an initial survey in 2015, we have been calculating our carbon footprint in Scope 1-3 since 2022. On this basis, we can specifically reduce the impact of our business activities on the climate. We want to become climate-neutral by 2050.

Where we cannot avoid or reduce CO2 emissions, we fully offset them by investing in a high-quality climate protection project. 

View our balance sheet


First CO2 balancing


Switch to green electricity


PV system at the Langenhagen site




Appreciation, trust & Transparency.
Indispensabale for us.

‘Having worked at Holtmann+ for many years, I have experienced how important consistency and responsible behaviour are for our joint growth. These values characterise my work and my view of the future.’

Cris Vornkahl

‘My skills have been valued at Holtmann+ since my first day. This is reflected in the trust placed in me during implementation and my creative freedom in transparent solution-finding processes.’

Jan Gutmann

'Our continuous promotion and further training reflects our confidence in the skills of our employees. This is how we create a culture of appreciation and sustainable development at Holtmann+.'

Kirsten Bittenbinder

More Diversity:

We promote cooper­ation in mixed-age teams in our company.


Different values, perspectives and experiences enrich us. They help us to make better decisions and develop more innovative solutions.

'It doesn't need much. 
All it takes is the courage to take thinks in hand and get going.

A sustain­able step ahead.'

Jörg Zeißig



WE create

the change.


We enter co-operations and partnerships and are involved in the network in order to move sustainability further into the focus of live communication. As a leading member of IFES or as part of initiatives such as Net Zero Carbon Events, we develop standards and guidelines. Only through continuous dialogue can we change ourselves and the industry. 

Are you from the live communication sector and want to discuss sustainability with us? 

Get in touch now!

