passion, innovation & cohesion.

This anniversary is more than just a milestone - it is a celebration of inspiration and a tribute to the commitment of our employees, whose tireless efforts form the cornerstone of our success. With a celebration that focuses on appreciation and recognition, we not only want to strengthen our cohesion and motivation, but also live and pass on the special culture of Holtmann+.

"Together with our shareholders, business partners and the entire team, we want to reflect on the successes of the past and look to new paths and goals for the future. Celebrate what was - shape what is to come: We are Holtmann+."

Jörg Zeißig




On June 23, 1950, the time has come: Wilhelm and Walter Holtmann have completed their training and jointly found Gebrüder Holtmann OHG - a joinery and carpentry business. To this end, they buy a business premises in Schmiedestraße in Langenhagen. This laid the foundation stone for the Holtmann Group. A sawmill was also operated on the side. The founders' father specialized in this. In the beginning, the Holtmanns' machinery consisted of little more than an old planing machine, a jointer and milling machine and a sledgehammer.


let's go!


The first orders include joinery and carpentry work for the municipality of Langenhagen. The company is also commissioned for the many trade fairs in Hanover. Specialist know-how is gathered and expanded. We are also starting to train apprentices.




For the reconstruction of Hanover after the Second World War, the Holtmann brothers are commissioned with numerous joinery and carpentry jobs for apartment buildings. Thanks to the excellent quality, the network of existing customers expands. The workforce also grows steadily.




The successful execution of smaller trade fair tasks has paid off: After the first successes in trade fair construction, such as the first major project in 1953, a trade fair pavilion for Jenbacher Werke, others followed steadily, including one for Soennecken. It was a commission with a signal effect: large, international and implemented in the popular Bauhausstyle.




With the economic upturn of the 1960s, the construction industry experienced a new heyday, from which Holtmann also benefited. Equipment, vehiclefleet and warehousing had to be expanded, as did the number of employees, in order to put the company on a solid, competitive footing. The current factory premises in Adam-Stegerwald-Straße in Langenhagen were purchased for 45.000 DM - a large and courageous investment for the time. Construction of the new plant began in 1968 - the starting signal for rapid company development. The decision was supported by Wilhelm Holtmann Senior. The relationship between the Holtmann generations has always been close.


orders after orders


The importance of exhibition stand construction continues to grow. Holtmann builds exhibition stands for many renowned companies. In addition to normal orders, Holtmann has always had a keen eye for orders that were out of the ordinary. A flourishing trade fair location on the doorstep - what could be more obvious than to turn to this line of business. Since 1960, Holtmann has built many trade fair stands for clients such as SABA, Kienzle, Dual, Schraub-Lorenz, Westdeutscher Rundfunk and Deutsche Spiegelglas. The company looked beyond its regional horizons and also produced stands for trade fairs in Frankfurt, Berlin, Milan, Poznan, Paris, Moscow, London and Budapest.



A truly mammoth task in 1969. For the largest exhibition hall in the world at the time, Hall 1 in Hanover. An entire village of pavilions was erected on the roof of the newly built CeBIT Hall 1. Holtmann secured the huge contract to build all the floor, wall and ceiling elements. Holtmann built 18,000 square meters of roof structures. In just 3 months, 18,000 square meters of floor and ceiling elements were also completed for the 750 Trelement apartments, which were installed on the roof of the exhibition hall.



In the second half of the decade, the courageous brothers venture into commissions that seem too “exciting” for more traditional competitors. At the Funkausstellung Holtmann wins a customer who will remain loyal to the company for half a century. The company name changed frequently, the last time the customer was known as Alcatel-Lucent.




For the SailingOlympics in Kiel, the Olympic Committee Munich awards Holtmann the contract as generalcontractor to carry out the entire construction work. In five months of work, the 600 square meter Olympic Village recreation hall, the 800 square meter radio and television center, the 2,200 square meter press center with 35 agency rooms, photo labs, the catering hall, the catering hall, the celebration area and the Olympic post office of the Kiel Chief Post Office were built ready for use with all heating, ventilation and lighting systems. Holtmann exceeds all the client's expectations. The entire Holtmann family travels to the opening of the sports spectacle.




The brothers' self-confidence increases, and new developments are initiated with a spirit of innovation. The partner network is also expanded. This is how the “System70” and the GEOBAU space frame are created in collaboration with renowned architects. The GEOBAU room framework was a new type of room cell constructed entirely from wood, developed and implemented by Holtmann. It was introduced nationwide in 1973. This container construction method was used for several years for schools, kindergartens, youth homes and extensions. The showroom behind the office on the factory premises is also built using this construction method. 




The field of civil engineering in particular gains the upper hand in the 1980s and a wealth of civilengineeringbuildings made by Holtmann are built in the first years of the 1980s. The Holtmann Group's range of activities also includes the management, marketing and lettingofrealestate. The focus is on commercial real estate. At this time, more than 100,000 square meters of developed commercial space and 7,000 square meters of residential space are managed. In future, the business area is to be developed further in the direction of integrated property management.




The service portfolio is consolidated through growingexperience and technicaldevelopments in the field of prefabricated construction, skeleton construction, diverse functional buildings and building biology and natural construction.




Holtmann defines its range of tasks, like the rest of the trade fair industry at this time, as international full-service trade fair construction and drives forward innovative developments with partners. The customer base has grown steadily and remains loyal to the company.




As general contractor, Holtmann is awarded the contract to create a newly designed exhibition area for CeBit. Holtmann also gains in class in the professional implementation of designs, for example with a gymnasium designed by the architects Bockhoff and Rentrop, which was awarded the timber construction prize.





Successful turnkey projects are created, including a canteen for Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Holtmann is also involved in the construction of a rheumatismclinic with 500 beds.




All the Holtmanns are cut from the same cloth, and it is precisely the mixture of different strengths and characters that does the company good. The sons of the founders, Jürgen (business administration graduate) and Claus (industrial engineer) Holtmann, joined the company in 1983 and took on their first responsibilities. Now they use the experience they have gained in the family business as co-partners and managing directors of the subsidiaries Holtmann Ingenieurbau GmbH and Holtmann Messebau GmbH. Responsibility is shared and the company founders support the two cousins with their wealth of experience.




In the 1990s, the previously craft-based company is transformed into a modernservice company. A great deal is invested in the company's own workforce, including through increased diversity, further training and more participation. Apprentices are now being trained in four industrial professions and two dual study courses. Claus and Jürgen Holtmann take over the management of the parent company. This slow and cautious introduction to the company was a deliberate choice by the Holtmann family and the two were able to always draw on the support and experience of the company founders.


the info-box


Holtmann's trend-setting prestige project is being built at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, Europe's largest construction site at the time: an infobox that reveals details about the gigantic building project to millions of visitors. At the same time, the info box offers a breathtaking view over the city. The building is 23m high, 62.50m long and 15m deep. Holtmann was primarily responsible for the execution of all functional extensions, including the exterior and interior walls, in this collective project. 




In the mid-90s, preparations begin for a show of superlatives: EXPO2000in Hanover. Holtmann is involved in three major projects. Eleven multi-service complexes, numerous indoor and outdoor pavilions, T-Digit and the Expo theme park are built as part of the world exhibition. The millennium year is a record year for Holtmann: the company achieves its highest turnover since its foundation (approx. DM 35 million). The company's expertise, range of services and business contacts also grow steadily.

T-Digit at the expo2000


Huge glass facades formed a multimedia cube that was anchored 20 meters deep in the ground by 10 pillars. On 2 huge screens, which formed the world's largest LED wall, Telekom broadcasts contributions from its media partners ARD and ZDF. Holtmann put his skills to the test on this special project.

Telekom at CeBIT


On 6,300 square meters of floor space, 100 fitters processed around 500 tons of steel and many other materials. Telekom AG presented itself with a trade fair stand that was customized modular system that could be adapted to the customer's specific requirements. To ensure that the necessary logistics for such large-scale trade fair projects projects can be handled without any problems at any time, Telekom maintains a Holtmann Messebau GmbH with a trade fair warehouse covering more than 4000 square meters.

Holtmann Messe+Event GmbH


The trade fair construction industry is changing and is now defined by the areas of live communication and marketing events - Holtmann follows suit and changes its name to Holtmann Messe+Event GmbH. In 2000, Claus Holtmann becomes Chairman of the FAMAB industry association. Over the next ten years, he helped shape the association in this position.



focus on livecom

The success of the EXPO led to special contacts that enabled Holtmann to work at subsequent world and regional exhibitions and later at the Olympics. However, the bursting of the dotcom bubble and the global financial crisis in 2009 lead to slower growth. Holtmann continues to focus on live communication.




The year 2004 brings a rebranding: Holtmann Messe+Event presents itself to the world with a new look and focuses on live communication. In contrast to the rest of the industry, Holtmann focuses on trust and partnership as a corporate culture instead of giving in to constant price pressure.


holtmann goes international


Even before the first government initiatives, Holtmann is already looking after its own workforce. For the first time, the company is recognized as a family-friendly company. In view of demographic change, this orientation is a correct and important step towards making the company fit for the future. The internationalization of the business is also boosted, with many activities in Asia, for example at the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai.


Corporate Social Responsibility


Holtmann focuses on its corporatesocialresponsibility. At the end of 2006, a large celebration is held with customers, service partners, employees and friends of the company under the motto “The best Christmas tree in town”. At this “social event”, 20 tons of food are packed into 2006 parcels by the guests and later distributed to those in need.




Holtmann presents itself at EuroShop with a highly acclaimed exhibition stand and wins national and international prizes such as the FAMAB and the ADAMAward - as in subsequent appearances. Design becomes a natural part of the range of services. 


Holtmann in Nuremberg


A service partner contract is signed with NürnbergMesse and a newbranch is opened there. Holtmann focuses on environmentalprotection and sustainability. Holtmann receives the “Ökoprofit” certification. This is later followed by a separate certification procedure from the FAMAB industry association: “Sustainable Company”. The “ECOVADIS” label is also awarded.


bye bye jürgen


Jürgen Holtmann retires as a partner and managing director and sells his fifty percent share in the company to NürnbergMesse GmbH.


Mesomondo Gmbh


Through strategic expansion and acquisitions of other companies, the still young branch in Nuremberg grows very dynamically. A separate brand is founded: MesomondoGmbH. The company focuses on system-based, modular exhibition stand construction.




Spurred on by the successes at world exhibitions, another brand is founded, which proves itself even before EXPO 2015 in Milan at the 2012 Olympic Games in London: Expomondo rapidly picks up speed and demonstrates its skills with the first major project PIN for the Samsung Olympic Park. A branch office is set up on site for the World Expo in Milan 2015 and remains in place until 2017. 


“black box”


The carpentry hall, which has become too small, is converted into a “black box” - a showroom and test assembly hall. Trial constructions can be carried out and test installations presented to customers.  




Holtmann once again wins the FAMABAward with its stand at EuroShop. A surprising cube interpretation with distortions and playful technical gimmicks becomes a crowd puller. Claus Holtmann co-founds the FAMAB Foundation for Sustainability in Trade Fair Construction. Donations are used to buy and reforest a piece of rainforest in Panama. The location in Langenhagen grows through the construction of new buildings.




Two mini anniversaries are coming up: The partnership with NürnbergMesse and the company name Holtmann Messe+Event are five years old. Holtmann wins the golden FAMAB Award in the “Best Stand Design” category (main category: Architecture) for the extraordinary exhibition stand for Alapé at ISH 2015. Internationalization is driven forward and country desks are created for various regions.



At the Expo in Milan, the Kazakhstan-pavilion and the German pavilion shine from the experienced hands of Holtmann. Both pavilions win prizes and are crowd favorites.


party party party


The anniversary celebrations continue: 66 years of Holtmann Messe+Event and Claus Holtmann's 60th birthday are celebrated. To mark the occasion, the HOLTMANN WinterWonderBand performs with a total of 300 members, including 30 refugees whose accommodation is in the immediate vicinity of the company headquarters. The celebration was attended by customers, guests from associations and politics, service partners and employees. In the same year, Claus Holtmann was appointed Honorary Consul for Sri Lanka in Lower Saxony.




At EuroShop, Holtmann shows how virtual reality (VR) can be integrated into brand presentations at the joint IFES Global Village stand. Expomondo recreates the “Cabinet of the Abstract” for the Sprengel Museum in Hanover - an exemplary museum presentation. Parts of it are also presented at EuroShop.


Change of management


A change of management at Holtmann is imminent. Jörg Zeißig follows in the footsteps of Claus Holtmann as the new Managing Director, who is gradually handing over responsibility for the Holtmann Group to his successor. The focus on sustainability will be strengthened. Holtmann and the FAMAB Foundation become members of the “Alliance for Development and Climate” which was founded by the German Federal Ministry for Development Aid and Cooperation. The aim of the alliance is to lead the private sector to climate neutrality.




Holtmann records its strongest year in terms of turnover in the company's history. The main focus is now on employees, customers and the environment. 2019 is the company's first climate-neutral year, a lot of CO2 was saved and remaining emissions were offset through global projects. Inspired by Holtmann, the city of Langenhagen joins the Alliance for Development and Climate.




The anniversary year of superlatives: 70 years of Holtmann, 10 years of partnership between NürnbergMesse and Holtmann. A new brand strategy and a new corporate design position the traditional company for the future. This will give the Holtmann, Mesomondo and Expomondo brands a strong profile of their own and present them as modern service providers with excellent specialist expertise. A sensational trade fair stand is being prepared for EuroShop 2020, which will once again “stand out from the crowd”. 


In March 2020, the pandemic hit us out of nowhere: the outbreak of the coronavirus posed enormous challenges for the entire trade fair and event industry. Numerous trade fairs were canceled and creative alternatives had to be found while uncertainty was omnipresent. 



The Mesomondo, Holtmann and Expomondo brands can look back on many years of experience and a great deal of expertise with different focal points. Now we have united all these experts under Holtmann+.


2021 & 2022



In the midst of the pandemic, Holtmann+ has dared to change: from stand builder to full-service provider. We have expanded our portfolio to include conception, strategy and design, thinking beyond the classic exhibition stand and creating experiences that combine the physical and digital worlds. The result: bundled resources, faster processes and more efficient support – for the plus in performance.


it goes on


Normality returned in spring 2023 when the pandemic situation was officially declared over. At EuroShop 2023, Holtmann+ presented itself in the IFES Global Village as part of an international platform. Here we exchanged views on the big issues of our time - sustainability, digitalization and full service - strengthened networks and developed forward-looking solutions together with industry colleagues and customers.

New brandstory & Website

Over the past three years, Holtmann+ has undergone a remarkable transformation and made a virtue out of necessity during the coronavirus pandemic - from an exhibition stand construction company with a focus on implementation to a full-service provider of LiveCom that succeeds in bringing together a variety of experts:
 People. Make. Expertise.

In order to authentically represent the entire service portfolio to the outside world, Holtmann+'s own website serves as a digitalbusinesscard
As the company has undergone an impressive transformation over the past three years to become a full-service provider of live communication, it was time to develop a new website that represents the brand with 100% authenticity.




more projects


With our expanded service portfolio, we have realized impressive projects in 2024: from Stadler and WAGO to the IZB and IdeenExpo, one of our long-standing customers. Whether trade fair stand or event concept - our full-service solutions have long been established and bring brands to life.



75 years of holtmann!

Our anniversary year is coming up! 
We are looking forward to exciting projects in 2025! An important milestone in our network work has already been reached: Jörg Zeissig has been President of IFES since January 1, 2025. We look forward to all the other successes that lie ahead.

75 years of people. 

75 years of making. 

75 years of expertise. 


75 years HOLTMANN!




Holtmann GmbH & Co.KG
Adam-Stegerwald-Straße 9–11
30851 Langenhagen, Germany

+49 511 740 74 - 0


Holtmann GmbH & Co.KG
Beuthener Str. 61
90471 Nuremberg, Germany

+49 911 400 835 - 0